Where we are, and how to get in touch with us


  • S.r.l.
  • Via Carlo Moreschi 60
  • 22072 Cermenate (Como)
  • Italy

Branch office

  • regione Langa Leprotto
  • 14050 Roccaverano (Asti)
  • Italy


  • Info: +39-031722473
  • Support: +39-031722473

Email addresses

Other contacts

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Where is ItalianModa Srl headquarters are located in Cermenate, adjacent to Como, and approximately 30 km. north of Milan, in northern Italy. Como gives its name to Lake Como, and is commonly recognized as the capital of silk, quality fabrics, and fashion accessories.

ItalianModa local time: 10:15:52

If you wish to call by phone please keep in mind that our local time zone is GMT +1.
For instance, we are 6 hours ahead of the U.S. East Coast, and 9 ahead the U.S. West Coast. Please call +39-031-722473 (8:30am - 6:30pm, ItalianModa local time).
Really urgent call can be directed to this cell number: +39-348-3064482